I am different, how hard it is to admit it, I am different … but when you think about it, I create my own and others ‘worlds, my otherness, illness, and health …. desire to knock and peace, I create my own and others’ […]
Month: January 2021
my world is different
a long time ago I realized that I was different and my world was different … but only now I realized how different it is …. almost 10 years in the boarding house, and again everything is not going in the direction when I […]
Wire Night Radio LIVE #4 [ Reggae Room]
I can’t or don’t want to
For 4 months I am locked in my inner shell, in a corridor where there is no peace and rest, sometimes it seems that everything is again just a dream that has lasted ….. I can no longer suffer from those closed doors and […]
destruction and the desire to live
again, it all starts at the beginning, sometimes it seems that all this nonsense will never end. sometimes it seems like I’m going crazy because there’s little left until freedom (?) and the unrest overwhelms me again. I don’t seek attention, but it looks […]
I don’t know
my freedom around the corner and more and more questions ask me what I will do with it …. for sure, I don’t know and I don’t have specific plans for freedom, just let it be jazz …. because things can change in my […]
big and small (my love)
I can no longer live without my girlfriend, without little Virga. when you are chosen, you are in charge of a small world, but I feel that it is much more, finally something I need. for someone who won’t let me go so easily […]
when the walls do not press
finally came the good, or almost good, news. finally we will be vaccinated against the virus. i don’t know if it’s true, but my mood has improved and the walls are no longer pressing. there is little left to make life easier, even though […]
Wire Night Radio LIVE #3 [ NWYR special]
welcome to 2021
someone said you are the blacksmith of your life but now I want my little dreams to come true and that I can finally start all over again ….. I believe in vaccinations, and this is maybe the only way to get things moving […]