now or never

I started analyzing my health deteriorations and realized that I was hurt by being with other, four or three people. you see, I was never part of a gang, and I lived a life of solitude and alone. realistically, I needed to find or […]

lost in translation

neither here nor there, as if insane, plunging into the unknown, and everything I leave here is precious and my own. sometimes I want to escape from stupid and stupid situations that sometimes don’t bypass me. and everything that has been here will remain […]

to be or exist

be when everything that interested or entertained you bounced back into the existential wall where you have to decide – you or they … when you live with people who cause you problems, you are looking for answers sometimes through the blackness, sometimes through […]

will you resurrect me?

lately, I feel lonely and alone, though surrounded by people and sounds but I only feel emptiness. will you resurrect me when everything in me is a mad fire of flame and restless anticipation of the end? will you resurrect me when everything falls […]

feeling insecure

I want it all over, my non-security leads me to blackness and violence against myself and others. I need a space where I felt safe and welcome as my world loses grip and meaning. I understand that I am sick and sometimes I have […]


today I feel empty and don’t understand what’s going on with me. I know my plan is good and realistic but how much it will cost me effort and patience. I know I have to leave everything here, all the comfort, respect, and discounts […]

time to be

finally, it’s time to be yourself, not afraid to make mistakes, not afraid to get sick, and not afraid to seek help. it’s time to be mistaken and admit your mistakes, it’s time to be stupid, smart, and finally, it’s time to be back. […]